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Presentations & public speaking

Policy & communications writing

Moderation & meeting facilitation

Negotiation and influence


Policy debates

Annual conferences

Board, working groups & committees

Stakeholder dialogues

Advisory Support

Advocacy & information campaigns

Developing storylines & core messages

Designing impactful events

Crisis communications

Homepage_2_Moderation_No Background_RM Summit_edited.png
About us
What Drives Us

About us

Our 'DNA'

We are

We work

We work

LACS Training - Great Communication skills training, communications consultancy and moderation for conferences and events in Brussels and across Europe

based in Brussels

across Europe and beyond

with national governments, EU institutions, European & international organisations, European advocacy associations, NGOs and the corporate sector

Our Vision

We believe

in giving you all we've got to make sure you get you real results. Every time.

We see

LACS Training - Great Communication skills training, communications consultancy and moderation for conferences and events in Brussels and across Europe

'real results' as:

  • Training that brings tangible, immediate improvements in people’s day-to-day skills

  • Consultancy that really helps your organisation do things better

  • Moderation that engages people, stays aim-focused and helps your event shine

Our Story

The start

I set up LACS Training in 2012 after 14 years of working across Europe and beyond as a lead trainer and training manager.

David Rose Director LACS Training - Great Communication skills training, communications consultancy and moderation for conferences and events in Brussels and across Europe

The why

I'd formed a crystal-clear picture of how I believed communications training, consultancy and moderation should (and shouldn't) be done. I wanted to make my ideas a reality.

David Rose


The now

12 good years later, LACS Training is busier than ever... and I'm still enthusiastically smiling like a child with a new toy :-)

Sustainable Solar 2023_2.png
David Rose, Director LACS Training, leading the debate at Sustainable Solar 2024 in Brussels                Image © Solar Power Europe

Our Clients (fans)

We're proud to have so many fans who trust us to keep delivering great services.


We think you should judge us by what they say, so here's a taste: 


Excellent theory and practical techniques on significantly improving our presentation skills. We have already seen positive results.


SW, Executive Director, International Zinc Association

Excellent and to the point training to improve both internal and external professional communications, showing you exactly what you need to do to deliver your messages in a consistently clear and concise way.


NR, Policy Officer ESMIG and Advisor Orgalime Partnership

Advisory support &

Thanks for your outstanding support for our event. It was a success and your energy, enthusiasm and expertise were key contributing factors, from framing the messages to your moderation on the day. It's been a pleasure working with you.


VV, EHS Director Eurometaux

Our way with you

Professional, very approachable, accommodating and deliver work of the highest standard. I'm looking forward to a continued partnership with them in the future.


KA, Head of HR and Support Services, Insurance Europe

Here's a selection of our fans (clients): 

EU Institutions+

LACS Training - Our Clients (fans) EU Institutions
LACS Training - Our Clients (fans) EU Institutions
LACS Training - Our Clients (fans) EU Institutions


LACS Training - Our Clients (fans) Government
LACS Training - Our Clients (fans) Government
LACS Training - Our Clients (fans) Government
LACS Training - Our Clients (fans) Government
LACS Training - Our Clients (fans) Government
LACS Training - Our Clients (fans) Government
LACS Training - Our Clients (fans) Government
LACS Training - Our Clients (fans) Government
Belgian Ministry of Health & Environment

European & international organisations

OSE - European Social Observatory.png
ESO - European Southern Observatory.png

European advocacy associations

CAN - Climate Action Network Europe.png
International Antimony Association.png
International Zinc Association.png
EFFA - European Flavour Association.png
Accountancy Europe.png
Intergraf - European Federation for Prin
EFCCA - European Federation of Crohn's &


Our clients (fans)

Contact Us

+32 (0)479 057034


Rue des Deportes 61, 1200 Brussels, Belgium

...or if you prefer, send us your request with this form: 

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Contact us

© 2024 LACS Training

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